#GBS18 will see the first series of our LIVEtalk Forums. The line-up for the forums at presently covers Procurement, International Trade, property, South West Regional Energy and Gloucestershire Business Group Leaders.

The Gloucestershire Business Group Leaders Forum is planned and delivered with the Association of Gloucestershire Business Groups who are working with Gloucestershire Forwards, County Business Shows and a number of other businesses to support and develop networks in the county that are so critical in fostering relational business development amongst micro and SME businesses.

Giving businesses a collective voice in the county helps them make a difference, find valuable information, opportunities and explore collaboration opportunities. This is especially important for micro businesses where resource can be limited, so a regular support network is an important way of staying in touch with the wider business community. Businesses based in the further outlying parts of the county have an even greater need to stay connected. The business development opportunities when we can connect businesses as either clients, suppliers or collaborators from across different parts of the county is invaluable.

The Association of Gloucestershire Business Groups works to pull the business groups together around the county, support the smaller ones and learn from the experiences of the larger ones.  Common themes crop up around how the high street is seeing its future, policies around parking, skills development for micros and managing the skills gap that is clearly a problem for a great many businesses. The association works closely with GFirstLEP, the county’s MPs, Business West and a range of other strategic bodies who help shape the direction of travel of the business community. By keeping in touch with the business groups it can help channel the key messages from the grassroots and with initiatives such as “Think Local – Buy Local”  it can use its influence to work on keeping the business spend in the county and support our businesses by simply making choices with the development of the county’s business economy in mind.

The Gloucestershire Business Leaders Forum at #GBS18 is an opportunity to have a planned and facilitated discussion with Gloucestershire’s Business Group leaders to address some of the common issues. As well as the seats in the discussion around the table, there are 20 observer seats for those who would like to hear the discussion and have an interest in seeing the dialogue develop.
